TTclust is a python program used to clusterize molecular dynamics simulation trajectories. It only requires a trajectory and a topology file (compatible with most molecular dynamic packages such as Amber, Gromacs, Chramm, Namd or trajectory in PDB format thanks to the MDtraj package). Easy to use, the program produces a visual feedback of the clustering through a dendrogram graph. Other graphic representations are made to describe all clusters (see OUTPUT EXAMPLE part for more details).
This program is compatible with python 2.7.x and 3.x. You can have a warning for matplotlib with python 3.x but the program still works
If you want to use a Graphical User Interface instead, you can install ttclustgui
after ttclust
(using pip
Link to the GUI :
If you want an easy installation of ttclust, I suggest these steps:
conda install -c tubiana -c conda-forge ttclust
pip install cython numpy
pip install ttclust
I strongly suggest you to use conda because pip will compile mdtraj and increase the the chance that the install fails (cgg/microsoft visual C++ library….).
git clone
Using pip (and use python environment system)
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
using conda, suggested (and use a virtual conda environment, leaving your python installation untouched)
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate ttclust
python {PATH}/ttclust/
or python {PATH}/ttclust/
Note : sometimes mdtraj is hard to install. If you use PIP, please install manually cython before in this case sudo pip install cython
then sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
If you have still issues in installing mdtraj, you can install it with conda with conda install mdtraj
If you have issues with pip, I suggest you install ANACONDA and restart your terminal afterwards.
Then, you need to install wxPython with conda conda install wxPython
Finally, you can use the PIP commmand: sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
If you have issues with pip installing mdtraj (Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools missing), I also suggest you install ANACONDA and restart yout terminal afterwards.
Then, you can mdtraj with conda conda install mdtraj
Finally, you can use the PIP commmand: sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
NOTE if ttclust was installed with pip, ttclustGUI will not work due to the gooey package (I hope it will be fixed soon..)
But you can still use the GUI with the script by cloning this repo and execute
If you have issues with pip, first try to add to pip the --ignore-installed
argument : sudo pip install --ignore-installed -r requirements.txt
If it still doesn’t work, it’s maybe because of the System Integrity Protection (SIP).
I suggest you in this case install ANACONDA or MINICONDA and restart your terminal afterwards.
Normally, the pip command should work because your default python will be the anaconda (or miniconda) python.
If you have still issues with the GUI or missing packages : install with pip :
pip install wxpython==4.0.0b1
pip install pandas
pip install ttclust
To activate autocompletion for the argpase module, you have to use this command
(only once): sudo activate-global-python-argcomplete
Following packages are needed:
For Selection syntax, use the one from MDTraj ( You can specify different selections for the calculation:
MDTRAJ doesn’t have nucleic acid keywords yet. We’ve implemented some keywords that will be altered to match DNA/RNA…. Keywords added :
Those selection keywords can be used with other MDTRAJ selection keywords, e.g.:
With the scipy module, several methods for clustering are available. Change the method used with the -m argument. Methods available are:
4 possibilities are available for the calculation:
The distance matrix can be long to calculate depending on your trajectory size. That’s why this matrix is saved on the “.npy” format, in order to be used later. The name of the matrix will be the name of your selection string for clustering (sr) If you use the same selection string for clustering (sr) the matrix will be detected and the programme will ask you if you want to use it again (Y), recalculate this matrix (N) or choose another matrix (O). If you want to use the saved matrix without this interactive question) add in argument -i n which will deactivate the interactive prompt.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f TRAJ, --traj TRAJ trajectory file(s). You can give a list of trajectory (see usage example)
-t TOP, --top TOP topfile
-s INT, --stride INT stride, read every Xth frames
-l LOGFILE, --logfile LOGFILE
logfile (default : clustering.log). The name of your
output file will be the basename (name before the
extention of this logfile
-st SELECT_TRAJ, --select_traj SELECT_TRAJ (default: all)
selection syntax for trajectory extraction, with QUOTE
-sa SELECT_ALIGNEMENT, --select_alignement SELECT_ALIGNEMENT (default: backbone)
selection syntax for alignement with QUOTE
If you don't want alignement: use "none"
-sr SELECT_RMSD, --select_rmsd SELECT_RMSD (default: backbone)
selection syntax for RMSD with QUOTE
-m METHOD, --method METHOD (default: ward)
method for clustering: single; complete; average;
weighted; centroid; median and ward
-cc CUTOFF, --cutoff CUTOFF
cutoff for clusterization from hierarchical clusturing
with Scipy. If you choose to click on the graph, cutoff
will be the clicked value
-ng NGROUP, --ngroup NGROUP
number of group wanted. Use the maxclust method to
clusterize in this case. If you specify "auto", kmeans clustering
with the elbow algorithm is used to find the optimal number of
-aa AUTOCLUST, --autoclust AUTOCLUST
By default, autoclustering is activated. Autoclustering is desactivated
when specifiying anything other than "Y", a cutoff value ('-cc') or a
number of group ('-ng')
Interactive mode for distance matrix (Y/n)
-axis AXIS, --axis AXIS
if something is wrong in the axis of timed barplot
graph (wrong time unit), and you just want 'frame'
instead of time Choose 'frame' here.
-limitmat LIMITMAT, --limitmat LIMITMAT
If the distance matrix is too long to generate choose
a limit here. Default is 100000000
There is some example usage with the examples files given on the “example” folder. Please note that the trajectory is reduced to the backbone in order to reduce the size of the git archive. Caution: You have to put quote beside your selection string (for sr, st, and sa arguments)
python -f examples/example.xtc -t examples/example.pdb
python -f examples/example.xtc -t examples/example.pdb -s 10
python -f traj1.xtc traj2.xtc -t examples/example.pdb
python -f *.xtc -t examples/example.pdb
python -f examples/example.xtc -t examples/example.pdb -sr "residue 30 to 200 and backbone" -l res30-200.log
python -f examples/example.xtc -t examples/example.pdb -sr "name CA" -st "name CA" -cc 2.75 -l CA-c2.75.log
python -f examples/example.xtc -t examples/example.pdb -sr "protein and backbone and chainid 0" -l backbone-chainA.log -ng 10
python -f traj.pdb -st "protein" -sr "backbone"
You need to use pythonw instead of python.
PDBs are saved in a new folder Cluster_PDB.
You can find in the PDB name the cluster number, size and the representative frame
of the cluster (ie the frame number of the saved structure)
Example: C1-f11-s44.pdb corresponds to the cluter 1 made of 44 structures and the
saved frame (representative) is the frame 11.
In the log file you will find all arguments given to the program with cluster information:
A dendrogram is generated at the end of the clustering with the corresponding cluster colors.
The name of this file will be the same as the logfile with a “.png” extension.
example: example.log –> example.png
The grey horizontal line is the cutoff value used.
A linear projection of cluster is made for the trajectory. Every barline represents a frame and the color a cluster number. Note that:
A vertical barplot is generated to have an overview of the cluster size. Each bar color corresponds to the cluster’s color in the LinearProjection’s representation and dendrogram cluster’s color.
A 2D projection of the distance(RMSD) between the representative frame of each cluster is made. The method used is the multidimentional scaling method from the sk-learn python module. We can follow the evolution of each cluster thanks to the relative distance between them. The color of the points is the same as for other graphs (i.e. cluster’s color) and the radius of each point depends on the cluster’s spread.
A plot of the distance matrix is also made and allows to easily visualize the distance between two frames.
#CITATION If you use TTclust in a publication, please use this citation
Tubiana, T., Carvaillo, J.-C., Boulard, Y., & Bressanelli, S. (2018). TTClust: A Versatile Molecular Simulation Trajectory Clustering Program with Graphical Summaries. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 58(11), 2178–2182.
This program is under the GNU GPLv3 licence, which means that anyone who distributes this code or a derivative work has to make the source available under the same terms, and also provides an express grant of patent rights from contributors to users.